Reinforce Core Subjects
GoNoodle Plus incorporates movement into core-subjects to develop fluency in grade specific math, ELA and science topics.

About GoNoodle Plus:

Reach out to with any questions.

We are here to help!

2015-2016 GO! Grants

Through the generous initiative of PHIT America and the Sports and Fitness Industry Association, KIDS in the GAME is awarding hundreds of elementary schools with funds to support school-based physical activity programs like GoNoodle Plus for the 2015-2016 school year. Follow the instructions below to be the champion teacher who brings GoNoodle Plus to your school! 

Here’s how to apply:

  1. Read the guidelines carefully here.

  2. Download the Go! Grant Application here.

  3. Copy and paste sample content about GoNoodle (found here) into the grant application

  4. Apply for $2,000 to get GoNoodle Plus for your entire school

  5. Submit the application by email, mail or fax before the June 1, 2015 deadline.

Measure Impact
GoNoodle Plus offers school level reporting to track your progress and impact.

Customize Question Sets
Create custom sets of lists and questions in math, ELA, science, spelling, social studies, language or ANY subject.

Take Your Class on a Virtual Field Trip
GoNoodle Plus includes awesome games like Field Trip that your students will love.